So I thought I needed a blog. I thought long and hard about it (ok, so all of 10 seconds), overrode my moral objections to subjecting the world to my random thoughts and my instinctive dislike for jumping on the social networking bandwagon (yes I still
don't have a twitter account, although that may change soon)... and here I am.
My reason for doing this? I guess the fact that I've had a eureka moment and decided to take the plunge to pursue my pipe dream of being a carpenter - its not often one forsakes the well-worn path on the corporate wheel for a chance to do something which inspires you. And I thought it'd be nice to track my progress in the coming year. If nothing else, it will be something I can look back on and laugh at.
Like so many others in the City, I've felt an overwhelming need to "do something with my hands" for quite a while now. To make something beautiful and pleasing to the eye, and to indulge in a sense of whimsy and play in the process. And most importantly, not to be stuck in an office for 16-20 hours a day drafting legal documents, whilst the world and my vanishing youth passes me by.
I have much to be grateful for from the City life, I've made some good friends along the way and earned enough dosh so that I can give the carpentry gig a good whirl without being too worried about feeding myself for the next year or so (although the fact I don't have a pension does play on my mind every now and again). Its not that I didn't enjoy the legal work and the not-so-occasional adrenaline rush of signing/closing a deal in the wee hours of the morning after a long, sordid slog, but something else was missing.
Whilst I'm at it, here's another bone from the well of honesty (I know this is a mixed metaphor, but its late and I'm bushed, but I don't think I can fall asleep until I've gotten this bee out of my bonnet) - this decision scares the crap out of me (I have yet to tell mum and dad, I figure I will save that disaster to as late in the game as possible). But it felt amazing walking out that door on my last day of work, and knowing that I'm taking a chance at it. Life's too short. Time to put my money where my mouth is and see if I have what it takes to make with wood.
In a stroke of genius, I've figured basic woodworking skills are a pre-requisite to becoming a furniture designer/maker (having had zero woodworking experience prior to the start of this year), so its back to school for me. I've got another 4 months to go before the furniture design/making course I've enrolled myself on starts. Between now and then I'm going to dip my hand in with weekend courses and projects - after all, it probably will help get things off to a flying start if I can hold a saw and/or hammer in a way that will not cause imminent injury to me or the people around me. Also, not having used the left side of my brain ever, it can't hurt if I stick my finger in one or more crafty pies and try and stimulate some bloodflow to the region.
I will keep updating you on my exploits from time to time (pictures et all). Without a doubt there will be some comedy moments in store, together with some trials and tribulations - but here's to hoping that the good bits will outshine it all. Thanks for listening, and do pop back from time to time.