Saturday 8 December 2012


Eight weeks and this is all I've got to show for it folks.
The first of the snow has hit Scotland, and whilst its been very pretty, it hasn't been particularly warm, resulting in yours truly catching a spectacular cold. The workshop has been a frantic hive of activity in the last week, with everyone desperately trying to get their projects over the line before term ends in two weeks. The sight of me snivelling and hacking my way through the workshop has probably done nothing for the atmosphere, and I do feel quite sorry for my fellow course mates for having to put up with it all week! If I wasn't so worried that I might not finish on time, I would have spent the week in bed (and felt all the better for it), so its certainly made for a taxing week. One difficult week now over though and the base of the cabinet is now pretty much done (minor details like doors and back notwithstanding).

Look at the pretty patterns made by a shoulder plane.
The last two weeks of planing, gluing and sanding have resulted in the final curve needed for the top of the cabinet being finished this week - I probably would have gotten it done much quicker if it hadn't been for (a) the lack of wood and (b) my fear of the router. In an effort to avoid the blasted thing, the last curve was made entirely on the disc and bobbing sanders (even though I knew it probably wouldn't all fit), joined together with some more herculean sanding and with Graham's and Sandy's magic touch (I take no credit, but then again I have been sick). As much as I hate that blasted router and the amount of sanding I had to do in making the other curves, it was several times worse with this new method as none of these things were like the others or even consistent in the same block.  If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't!

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