Sunday 17 June 2012

Easter and such.

It took over 5 months for the idea that I was going to give this carpentry gig a serious whirl to percolate and bear fruit (with a huge visa scare, as yet unresolved, in the middle). In the meantime I enrolled myself on a short furniture design course at Central St Martin's over Easter, to give myself a taster for what is to come.
The brief - design and make a scale model of an item of furniture. Own designs only, no copying. And only 4 days to do it in. Eek.
By the end of Day 1, I was in a bit of a panic - I had no ideas and no idea where to start. We did some basic sketching on Day 2 and by the end of the day I had somehow managed to scrounge up 3 sketches (yay me!) and commenced production on the favoured piece on Day 3. With the help of a minor miracle (and the industrious and oh-so-very helpful workshop assistant, Mark, who guided me through the trickiest bits of production), I managed to make a finished piece on Day 4 (well, un-upholstered anyway...I plan to finish this. Sometime. Soon).

Main tips from the four days:
  1. There's no money in it (this nugget of wisdom came courtesy of Rock Galpin, our interestingly-named tutor)
  2. I have an instinctive (and not irrational) fear of bandsaws which I somehow need to overcome.
Onwards and upwards.

Final scale model
Chosen thumbnail sketch

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