Sunday 24 June 2012

Knit one, purl one.

Warm and snuggly for Scotland
Its amazing what you can learn off the internet. Me, I'm trying to learn how to knit. At the moment I can only knit in a straight line, which is somewhat limiting. At some point I will gather up the courage to try some double pointed needles, they just look scary.

A friend very kindly knitted me a scarf for my birthday and it looked amazing. It could have been store bought/machine made as the stitches were so even! The stuff I have made on the other hand has a handmade feel to it (code for slightly lumpy and bumpy). I also seem to have an overabundance of scarves (straight lines!). Good thing I am going to Scotland where it is very cold, or so I have been warned.

At some point, I am hoping to use some knitted pieces in my upholstery. That is if I can gather the patience to knit enough squares together. Its frustrating how long each piece takes to knit and it gets a bit boring by about row 6 of the same pattern. Kinda wish there was a "skip to the end" button. I will however persevere. Watch this space.

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